Monday, September 17, 2007
Self Motivation = Inspiration + Desperation
Inspiration is the ability to provide one with positive stimulus to achieve what one aims for. Inspiration could mean elevating self to achieve the self-desirable. Inspiration could mean
working towarsd a better future.
Desperation, on the other hand could act as a stimulus to rise from a state of despair to a state of success. Desperation could work at improving upon the past.
Pedagogy Stricken Education System
The blackboard has evolved, the chalk has evolved, the classroom has evolved, then why not the teaching-learning aids. We have seen and adopted to the above mentioned evolution without any hassle and major resistance. Did we try to map every evolution that occured to our pedagogy. The answer is 'No'. The strategy has always been to introduce soem variations to adapt to any new technology, tool, aid, etc. If that is the case, then why crib and create a fuss over introducing technology in teaching-learning. Technology definitely brings in effectiveness and efficiency in whatever domain it is used in , so why can't we make our pedagogy principles flexible enough to adopt to these innovations and creations.
Lets not be unjust to our children who are the future of our nation. Let us open them to technology and help them explore, experiment and innovate. Let them shape the future of our country.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Lets not live in Wonderland
Professionalising Education
Society's outlook towards teaching as a profession
Attitude of the teacher, in general
School's vision and approach
I had some experiences in my life during my interactions with school principals, teachers and other stakeholder which really changed my perception about teaching and education. Some of these experiences were really shocking for me and I just could not believe that they were coming from the horse's mouth i.e. teachers and principals.
Firsly, I talk about society's outlook towards teachers/ teaching.The society's perception about teaching is nothing more than just perceiving it as a job to be done from 8 A.M. - 2 P.M. and no extra work/ effort demanded. What we forget while forming our perception about teacher/ teaching is that our children's future are shaper by these teachers only and we cannot treat it as a substitute job to be taken up just to fulfill our personal or family needs.
Secondly, the teachers attitude need to change drastically. If the teachers will keep joining schools to do a 8 - 2 job, will shun adoption of newer ways of teaching-learning, will treat any new techniques/ tools as extra work, will keep talking about their salary structure, we will keep getting the same results using the same methods of teaching-learning. The things would not change as long as the teachers would keep concerned about themselves rather than about a child's learning needs and shaping their future. Let teachers not forget that we are not doing justice to our children in schools if we are not providing them ample food for thought. The demand of the situation is passionate teachers who feel for teaching and do not compromise under any situation/ circumstance.
Thirdly, as long as schools keep compromising on the teaching/ teacher quality, we cannot expect an enhanced teaching-learning process and a better future for our children. The school's rolw is not just to impart education uptil a partcular standard but also to prepare children for future. All this cannot happen if the school does not give a thought to quality of teaching/ teacher. The commercialisation of education is prompting the schools to charge exorbitantly from the students but to recruit unqualified people as teachers because they come at a very low salary. Most of the school's objective is just to recruit teachers to fill the position without giving a thought to the quality that gets delivered through these inequipped teachers. Let us not feed our students with half-baked knowledge and information.
It is indeed a 'vicious circle' where the role of all the three stakeholders mentioned above is equally crucial. Every stakeholder needs to support the effort of the other for transforming the teaching-learning. I can go on and on, relating more of my experiences but saving it for my next posts.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Teaching = Passion + Enthusiasm
Passion would drive a good teacher to teach and relate things to students. The delivery process of the subject matter totally transforms once you put in your passion to it. A teacher is not expected to be just a subject expert but somebody who can really motivate the students as well and really elevate them to a level that teaching becomes a learning experience for the students.
The second key ingredient, Enthusiasm is what makes teaching, a learning experience for the teacher. The enthusiasm is what drives a good teacher to explore and innovate more and deliver more to students.
But passion and ebthusiasm does not come with age, experience, knowledge or degree. These qualities have to come from within. During my interaction with teachers I came across teachers, considered to be senior because of their teaching experience and knowledge but totalli impassionate about teaching. For them, teaching was just an "ought to do" thing and nothing more. That is really a sad tale to relate. As long as we will treat "teaching" as a job, we will keep churning teachers with "ought to teach" attitude.
Redefining Teaching
Ever since the technology came into picture, schools and teachers have been trying their best to derive the maxiumum out of it. But, all these efforts get nullified, when we see that all that is getting done/ delivered in the name of technology is the training on the same set of softwares/ tools. Why we are trying to reinvent the wheel is a question to ponder ! Why should we train the teachers in the same set of office suite ( presentation tool) by different agencies. Why are some hell-bent on portraying a tool as de facto teaching tool. There's life for teachers beyond that presentation tool.
Let us not forget that the teacher is the main cog in the wheel of education. The need of the hour is to help/ assist them redefine the teaching-learning process. Let us enable them and empower them with enough technology capabilities that their creativity and innovation transforms the teaching-learning forever. Let the teachers also evolve with times. Let us open more horizons for them to explore and experiment. Let there be limitless boundaries for our teachers and give them the freedom they deserve.
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Is Technology Integration a fad in schools ?
Dear Friends,
It has been quite a long time since i put a post on my blog. The last three months gave me lot of insight into integrating technology into education, primarily into teaching-learning. My experiences during the past few months have reiterated the fact further that there's still a lot that needs to be done to bring teachers to the computer labs. The first step towards bringing computers in classroom is to bring teachers to computer lab. Computers is still a phobia, even for those who have underwent some training on computers/ technology integration. As long as we do not put teachers in the loop of the technology integration process, we cannot hope to achieve anything. I am highlighting just few of my thoughts ( triggered by my experiences) that have been haunting me for want of a proper solution. Since I firmly believes in being more solution-oriented, so I will put in my suggestions to each of the listed thoughts.
- The highly reputed schools have the most technology phobic teachers as they have been accustomed or trained to be dependent on the readymade products and restricted only to use it. This happens mainly due to availability of large amount of funds.
- You can manage to bring teachers to computer lab/ computers through force but you cannot make them use technology. The rule of thumb for learning anything new is to try it out, to do it.
- The extrinsic motivation is of no avail as long as there's no intrinsic motivation in the teacher.
- The teachers need to realise that technology could only act as a catalyst towards achieving/ bringing technology integration in education, the real integration of technology would happen only when teachers actually start using it for fulfilling their needs.
- The school management plays a deciding role in facilitating or bottlenecking the technology integration process. Merely providing computers or readymade content, LMS cannot bring in the technology integration. The more the number of ready made tools introduced by the management, the more the teachers get dependent on them and the more techno-phobic they get. Unless, you ask the teachers to actually create or experiment, they just cannot adopt technology.
- The teachers need to have an internet identity and the least they could do for that is to create an email id of their own. Let checking email daily become a routine for them.
- The teachers really need to understand the purpose of every technology tool offered/ provided to them. Even a simple email id could go a long way in helping them get started with technology facilitated teaching-learning.
- The teachers need not get bogged down with the hype surrounding internet, etc. Everyday there would be some terms coined and floated in the market. The teachers just need to remember this that all that these new educational tools would require/ expect from the teacher would be a willingness to try, innovate and experiment. None of the new technologies that crop up every now and then for educators require any extra degree of knowledge apart from being basic computer literate and having an internet identity.
I have just highlighted some of my experiences and would be touching upon few of them in more detail in my next blogs.
Lets not breed the teachers on cooked content but help them understand technology and facilitate their journey to e-teaching
What Motivates Teachers !!

Some Inexplicable Reasons for Desisting from Technology Integration, Part - 2
Some Inexplicable Reasons for Desisting from Technology Integration, Part - 1
What ails Technology Integration in Schools ?
Understanding ICT Integration
- Who is out target audience- students, teachers or both ?
- What should we teach- I.T. or I.T. facilitated/enabled ?
- What should be the ICT curriculum be like ?
I have just touched the tip of the iceberg and know for sure that if we open the Pandora Box, it would be total chaos and confusion. I think its time that we sit and ponder to use ICT more judiciously in oue education.