The big question "what would motivate the teachers positively?" had been bugging me for so long till the thought of launching e-awards for Shiksha India was put to table. The idea of giving awards was nothing new or different from what many others did/ were doing but what was unique about the idea was to make it a platform to give reward and award to the deserving ones. The initial thought led us to decide that the best motivation we could provide to the teachers and schools was in
terms of financial reward and trophy of recognition. Once the format was decided, next thing that was decided was to have it presented by the highest authority in the country i.e. The President of India. We were really fortunate that the President agreed to be the Chief Guest for the programme and present the award to the winners. January 12th, 2007 saw the first e-awards presentation ceremony held in New Delhi and none other than the honourable President of India, Dr. Abdul Kalam blessed us by coming. His mere presence in the hall was enough to spell bind the entire audience and once he gave his address, the entire audience got captivated by his sheer genius, intelligence and charm. So engrossed were the audience in his words that he made the teachers take a 11-point oath. I am very much sure that for everybody present there in the hall, it was a lifetime experience watching the President from such close quarters and a dream come true for those who had the fortune of receiving the awards from the President. I too had my share of good fortune when I got the opportunity to assist the President in launching an e-learning collaborati
ve portal for teachers. It was a real honour, standing beside a great soul and exchanging notes (though for a while only). I think it was not as much to do with the cash prize ot the trophy received by the winners that brought the shine in their eyes but the sheer realisation that they were recieving it by the hands of a great personality and a great soul. This realisation, by itself must have instilled in them a feeling of doing better and better. Also, all those who missed out on the award did feel bad but the greatest award and reward for them is the opportunity to be with the President in the same hall for an hour or so. I take pride in the fact that we took the first step right in out endeavour to provide the right motivation and impetus to the teachers, principals and our other partners in this ever continuing journey of delivering our best to the cause of education. I am putting the 11-point oath for teachers in the hope that all benefit by it and we bring in some change in ourselves.

Eleven Point Oath for Teachers
1. First and foremost, I will love teaching. Teaching will be my soul.
2. I will achieve proficiency in e-learning systems and encourage students to make use of the available e-learning system in the country.
3. I realize that I am responsible for shaping not just students but ignited youth who are the most powerful resource under the earth, on the earth and above the earth. I will be fully committed to the great mission of teaching.
4. I will consider myself to be a great teacher only when I am capable of elevating the average student to the high performance.
5. I will organize and conduct my life, in such a way that my life itself is a message for my students.
6. I will encourage my students and children to ask questions and develop the spirit of enquiry, so that they blossom into creative enlightened citizens.
7. I will treat all the students equally and will not support any differentiation on account of religion, community or language.
8. I will continuously build the capacities in teaching so that I can impart quality education to my students.
9. I realize by being a teacher, I am making an important contribution to the efforts of national development.
10. I will constantly endeavour to fill my mind, with great thoughts and spread the nobility in thinking and action among my students.
11. I will always celebrate the success of my students.
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