Thursday, September 13, 2007

Lets not live in Wonderland

Lets face the reality that the so called wonderland of technology that we have built in our schools is far away from utopia. This wonderland is a false land of promise that we have created to misguide ourselves. This wonderland is no more than a bunch of latest machines/ computers that we have assembled and connected ti bring in this feeling of euphoria. Lets face it that this euphoria is very short libed and is not doing any good to our education process. Neither the teachers nor the students would benefit in the long run. The wonderland cannot just rest on a bed of state-of-art technology. Lets open this wonderland to the ultimate crusaders of education i.e. teachers. How long would be keep teachers away from tools that could tranform their teaching-learning and make it more effective. Lets be just and to the needs of a teacher and give them all the tools and aids that could help them deliver better. A teacher comfortable with the latest trends in E.T. ( Educational Technology) can really do wonders provided we give them proper and timely exposure to these e-tools. The curriculum will ever remain comprehensive, the examination will ever put the same demands and expectations on the teachers. Let us help and motivate the teachers to take the first step towards e-empowerment and make the future of our children better and brighter. Lets transform this wonderland into a wonderful land of opportunities for teachers and enable them enhance the teaching-learning process.

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