- Always Be a Learner : Any profile we work in is nothing but an opportunity to share with others our knowledge, expertise and to learn from what others know. Be it our fellow colleagues, our seniors or our students, we should be open to learning. This is the only way to survive in this information-laden world and society. There is no magic solution to keeping ourselves updated than just being open to learning. Today, one needs to be a 'master of all trades' and human limitations do not permit us to learn all by ourself. We have to derive learning from each of our experience / interaction, etc. Lets perceive others as sources of knowledge and learnings and only then we can be up to date and at par with the rest and the best.
- Do it for the students : Any learning for a teacher is of use only when it is used to further the teaching-learning goals. The mere existence of teacher is because of students. The recognition, the accolades, the respect, the awards, etc. that a teacher gets is an outcome of the success that the teacher's students has achieved. A teacher owes a lot to the students. So, align all your actions and motives to how your students could benefit by it. A teacher cannot be expected to teach just for recognition, award or reward.There is a higher goal to be achieved and that is to facilitate learning among students and make them self-sufficient by making them self-learners and life-long learners. Let, each activity of ours be done with a single-minded focus on our students(s).
- Apply Multiple Models : Don't stick to just one model of teaching-learning process. There cannot be a single cure for all ailments. The best approach is to adopt a blended model, where you mix the traditional methods with the latest one. As a teacher one never knows what might work with a student. Why, then restrict ourselves to the old way of doing things or to just a single way of doing things. The advancements in technologies definitely have advantages and lets accrue benefits from these advancement.
Hope you enjoy reading it !