I had wanted to write about it for quite some time now. The post came through as a result of my recent interaction with a group. I feel there is too muck knowledge/ information being bombarded on the teachers these days and it is all happening in the name of their development. Be it technology, be is psychology, be it self-management, the teachers have to attend all. I have seen teacher being made to undergo such a rigorous training schedule that it could lead to burn-out in them. All the year through, teachers are busy with their numerous academic and non-academic stuff. The academics get over and the teachers get busy with student examination. The examination gets over and the teachers get busy with paper checking, result preparation, etc. Once this gets over the teachers are put through a series of workshops, trainings to prepare them for the academic session ahead.
Gone are the days when 'teaching' was considered as an art, to be performed with passion. Nowadays, 'teaching' has become 'clinical' in nature. The passion is gone because there is too much on a teachers' plate to handle. Teachers are Humans and not Robots, so why feed them with whatever, in the name of effective teaching/ learning. Like anybody else, a teacher also needs a drive and intrinsic motivation to perform but where do they derive it from, in the midst of all this chaos. Teachers do not get time to dwell and reflect on what they want to improve. The way every child is different, the same way every teacher is different too. Every teacher needs some time and space to do self introspection and identify his/ her areas of improvement. We need to put our faith in teachers because every teacher wants to be an effective one and provide the best learning to the child.